La Famille started small, with only a couple of salvaged civilian freighters that they used to smuggle much needed war goods to the members of the first revolt and exchanged basic goods with the Gallic Brigands, goods that they most likely got from either bribes or by taking them from lone Royalist convoys. When the first revolution was crushed, Gallia's black market did not brutally end; while the demands were lower than before, some underground groups were preparing for a second attack got their weapons stock from LaBrise, who had developped some small firearms based on the models the Police were using back when he was in service. This became, along with basic goods smuggling, the main income of La Brise. Even today, those firearms are still sold as efficient backup weapons to the multitude of unlawfuls and revolutionaries (and some also say corporations) of Gallia.
During the transition from the First Gallic War and the Second, LaBrise/Junker relationships were quite good, if not partners in crimes, until an anonymous Junker in need of money ratted the LaBrise's black market armory. This intensified tensions between the GRP and the LaBrise, which was already looking for a reason to eradicate them for defecting. The Brigands also seized the occasion to declare a territorial war to the Unione Corse, which weakened them even more. This cost LaBrise a large portion of their men, fleet and profits in general.
It is why that in 671, they had a plan to get the Junkers back. They were going to take over Bourbon base and use it as their main base of operation. A freighter full of Corse hitmen was to land on Bourbon and kill everyone on the station, elderly, women, and children included. The operation was a success, and La Brise de Mer quickly overrun the base and claimed it as theirs. To their surprise, there was no counter-attack. The Junkers simply shrugged it off and built an even bigger, shinier station to replace Bourbon and rubbed into La Brise de Mer's face.
Present day and Goals
[color=#FFFFFF]When the Second Gallic War started, the situation of La Brise de Mer was quite risked: extensively hunted down by the police, assisting the Council would sign their death note, so they kept their business to themselves and the Brigands. La Brise de Mer, though, still tries to offer their 'services' to the Gallic Corporations when they can, and try to act as middlemen between them and the Council when those corporations can't directly contact the Council.
This doesn't mean that the LaBrise does not cooperate with the police forces: they're known to hunt down potential political dissidents for them once in a while, while given some freedom for their activities in exchange. This gives them enough free maneuvering space to grasp more and more of the black markets, while also benifiting to other unlawful factions, such as the Brigands, who do not have to worry so much about the Royal Police.
Oddly enough, their policy toward foreigners show otherwise: while they do not shoot them on sight, they see them as disturbing the actual harmony in Gallia's black market. La Famille is adapting to this, though, and is rumoured to have already contacted some Sirians to do future business with them.
Unione Corse
Gallic Royal Police
Gallic Metal Service
Corsair Empire
Ile-De-France Shipping
EFL Oil and Machinery
Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Brigands
All Maquis Technologies
All Gallic Brigand technologies
Requiring permission from Leadership
Gallic Brigand Gunboats
Gallic Civilian Liner
Gallic Royal Liner
All non-listed
All non-listed
[color=#6666CC]Regain control of the Black Market
As the Corse lost a majority of their holdings in the black market after a territorial war with the Brigands, they've became one of their pawns. La Famille de la Brise de Mer will will never truly bend down to the demands of the Brigands made after the conflict, though, and will attempt to once again expand their influence through other means than brute force.
Become part of the Government
Through corruption, diplomacy and selective murdering, rather than brute force, the Corse attempt to lower the Government's guard to potentially influence it enough to become an integral part of it. It is not interested in ruling over Gallia, though, but simply boost their own interests within Gallia and even into Sirius to get rid of competiton.
[color=#FFFFFF]Le Parrain (Godfather) is the leader of La Brise de Mer. Generally speaking, this title is either obtained through bloodline, or by being practically part of the family due to loyalty. Overwatches and control every aspects of La Famille.
[color=#FFFFFF]Les Partenels/Maternels (Father/Mother) represents the interests of La Famille, some leading a group of hitmen, some at the head of smuggling circles, some collect credits from racketeering, as an example. Their word is the law in their domain, and only Le Parrain can negate their decisions.
(Can use any Corse/Brigand/Maquis technology and Gallic liners, as well as civilian technologies.)
[color=#FFFFFF]Les Freres/Soeurs (Brother/Sisters) are the ''soldiers'' of the Paternels, and are the center of La Famille. Without them to do the dirty job, there wouldn't be any money to be made in la famille. Usually, they are either born in la famille, or are outsiders who proved themselves trustworth.
(Limited to Civilian and Corses Fighters, Freighters, Bombers and Transports (excluding Gallic Liner) as well as all Corse/Brigand/Maquis technology)
[color=#FFFFFF]Les Etrangers (Outsiders, somewhat equivalent of Gaijin) are outsiders (not necessarily Sirians, simply people who were not born in the LaBrise family) who just joined la famille in hope to profit from it's fortune. They must prove their loyalty to advance and become full members of la famille. When un Frere doesn't have time to do a business, they send un Etranger do it for him.
(Limited to Corse/civilian fighters and freighters)