Harpers Unlawful Oppertunities
He diddnt have amny options at age 45. He was battle hardened though. On the lawful side of things. He can reinlist with the Liberty Navy but with the discharge 20 some years ago make his track reccord with the Navy very unreliable. Chances were slim. He could jioin another Paramilitary organization sucha s black Talon but that would be boring. He couldn't join the BH guild becasue they hated him and tried to assasinate him twice. There wsas another option join the unlawfuls.
Over the past 20 some years he gained much respect throughout the Border Worlds. Especially from The Order and Crosairs. So his chances with them were high. He began thinking. Why not join The Order and start living in the lawless border worlds where there is adventure and opportunity everyday. He did research on them and found it as a prime choice. But if he did, he'll loose his respect with Liberty and the lawful Sirius.
The Crosairs and Order saw what was happening to the S.S.C and began trying to recruit the battle hardened Mercs to join them. They got some good pilots.
Harper's wingman joined The Order and encourages Harper to do as well
The Order offered him something very intriguing. Offered him a seat of a Newly formed Order. As a Admiral and cruiser captain. and sent him all their info. They liked Harpers flying and combat tequniques and needed a pilot like Harper.To fly a Cruiser he had to fund half of the payment/costs of the project. which he could if he sold his Liberty GB to a shipyards in The Omicron Gamma System. He became intrigued and researched a bit more.