Currently, Congress is deliberating on the new Liberty Penal Code and the Permissions Office Bureau is deliberating upon it's revisions. For the time being, CRI Nomad licenses will be treated as valid within Liberty space, and as of so far, contraband is the following;
Alien Artifacts (license office pending)
Counterfeit Software
Cardamine (license office pending)
Synthetic Marijuana (license office pending)
Nomadic Persons or Technology (CRI licenses accepted as valid)
Lawful Pilots
Future contraband may include;
Light Arms (without a license)
Military Vehicles (without a license)
Liberty Government Vehicles (without a license)
Restricted Flight Zones are as follows;
The entirety of the Virginia system and the immediate area around it's entrances, which are classified in location and nature.
The entirety of Zone 21, with lethal force authorized for the system itself.
The delivery of Nomads is not a crime if you are licensed by CRI, and if you request more details in this matter, I would be happy to discuss them over secure channels.