During our routine patrol in the Okinawa system on the night of 7th September 818AS, we've came across a strange pilot, one of those, whatchama call it, baaah ..on the top of my tounge..
*Hears Farmers from the background..*
Hai! Farmers Alliance, those bloody rice sniffers. They proven to be a quite a nuissance, and they fight very oddly don't they? First they yell around as if noone could hear them, then when we do answer to their prayers, they just run away. Weird little buggers.
*Takes a sip from the glass..*
Getting off topic again, ahh. Nevertheless, this one dared to enter our mining fields, started trashing some transport ships! But we couldn't let him live anymore, thus Jomyo, one of those 'Katsuo no Seibyou' guys, and myself 'Santou Kaii' started heading towards the northern end of the field finding horrors on the way, so much escape pods you could smell death in the air.
*Takes another sip from the glass..*
We did not get intimidated, but only more vicious than ever to help our fallen friends! I've sent a hail to Miura for a rescue party and we continued onward to Nagano Jump Hole where we discovered that bloody Black Dragon that was causing all this trouble.
*..remembers the smell of rice of his engine trail, yet, takes another sip of sake..*
He even dared to demand donations from us for his "cause" and then just disappeared into the jump hole. Without a single doubt we followed him into Nagano, where we found a band of Farmers Alliance cheering their Hero Anqi,Sheng. We waited no longer, just started trashing all those Farmers around us almost nailing every single one of them with one shot!
But then it came to the last one, Anqi, I yelled Tora so loud I think Miura could hear me scream!
*..tears fall across his cheek, wipes them off, and takes another sip..*
We spared noone, and killed every single one of those rice sniffers, even Anqi himself. The lucky bastard made it out alive and his pod was tractored by a lone party of Very Heavy Fighters that was inbound on a patrol. After they had seen how much wrecks we left behind, they just tractored the rest of their buddies and hightailed it out of there, yelling "This is not over!"
*..hearing the voice of his commander over comms, in rush he finished the glass and head towards the door.. turns back..*
Oh I almost forgot, here's a little postcard from Nagano.