It's the morning of the second day and you are starting to come to the conclusion that this whole zombie thing is for real after all & not some elaborate hoax or super big flashmoby thing. The carnage looks different than it does in the movies. It's less spectacular & almost seems fake, but there's something about it all that kinda disturbs you on a primal level & you're starting to freak out a little bit.
While you're burning discs & surfing the forums for what the admins have to say about the server, more pragmatic people are beginning to worry about water & food. They head to the supermarkets & buy the places out.
There are waiting lines at the gas stations that stretch around the block & prices rise by the hour. Traffic on the way out of town is gridlocked.
You spend the evening watching media coverage of political officials on one hand, reassuring the public that everything is fine and that everyone should go on with their lives as normal, lest the terrorists win...while, on the other, comes back after a short commercial break, showing reports of the first stage of the total evacuation of Dallas; where they believe the outbreak originated almost a week ago.
They cut to a live shot of one of the the suburban gas riots, and the reporter gets hit by a ricochet bullet in mid-sentence, right there on camera.
It's at that moment you truly accept that you live at the end of the world.
At least disco will be safe though.
After watching your neighbor eat his wife on your driveway through the blinds in the living room, you officially freak the f*** out and start packing a survival kit.
The next morning, you drive to a drugstore to stock up on some over the counter medical supplies (cause hey, you're no dummy) and are accidentally shot in the lung over the last bottle of aspirin by a hysterical soccer mom who had no idea how to properly use a gun.
You bleed out & die there in isle seven, missing the rest of the apocalypse.
Eventually, the zombie spread stops simply due to the total extinction of the human race.
The zombies, starving like they do, acquire a taste for all living flesh. Not just human.
After a few years, the zombies run out of food again...completely this time, and as a result soon enough after, rot away entirely.
By the time cockroaches discover how to make fire, and eventually, technology enough to decode binary, it wouldn't matter because by then, the discs you had the foresight to save disco on would have long since turned to dust anyway.