no your matching of our communication network is working fine, you may have just misunderstood our naming conventions. As your designation is an abbreviation for what appears to be an artificial construct it is not unusual for the letters to be capitalise, however in accordance with your wishes we have no problem using Lara.
As for our designation, you can think of us as a political construct to handle day to day business of the Monarch, thus individual designations would be improper, the Kingdom of Gallia will suffice.
You are correct in deducing we humans are a curious race however you must temper that with our other main trait, intra-species agression, we are very tribal. In Gallia's case this is also tinged by history, our, and our allied "tribes", were subject to a near successful extermination attempt by people we now find in this sector, we are thus extremely cautious.
Within our society the Taus are seen as the gateway to the resources we can trade with others of our species. Sadly they are also the meeting point of people who have chosen to be our enemies. Consequently we are interested in any developments within this region.
Experience has taught us altruism is not a common trait within the universe so consequently at this point, while we monitor the situation, a deeper linkage of information would be frowned upon from our side. We do not wish to divulge information that may be turned against us. This is the ploy that ultimately managed to allow our "tribe" to survive in our native home and is unlikely to be shed soon.
We bear no malice towards your kind and unless actions change our mind that is the default position.