Incomming Transmission
Comm ID: Yuki.kizo
System:Sigma 13
Patrol Report
Hello here is Yuki.Kizo
*sip's* a littel sake
So i was flying in my Figther class eagle
and was on my way back from patrol to my home base
and then in the rigth of me i saw 3 Junkers all nice boys
i konw them good then the life in sigma 13 inst very easy in last time
and one of them told me he have see a smuggling convoy of the Outcast's
so i asked in neural net for support and i then i begone to seek them
and i found them i think there had engine proplems and must stoped in the space near from the sigma 19 system so then arive the GMG support me and we begone to shoot them then there had slaves load*sip's* sake
after destroy them ship's we can free the slave and bring the Outcast pilotes to one of our stations prisons there will have a meeting wiht the law house and
after i was at home i was sad then taht was my first ship waht i have destroy
and i was thinking waht is when the pilote had too a familia *sip's another sake*
but yet after i saw taht outcast kill any people there dont want to pay the money
it dont intrested me i have to save my friends and the free trader in the sigmas and any enemy ship will be get detroy.