You know what I don't like? The fact that you think that because you've had some RP with your AI for like what? 3 months? Meaning you can dictate everyone.
Let me break it to you - No. "N", then followed by an "O". capiche?
We had the AI ID able to go anywhere and shoot everyone it wishes on whim. So no, we aren't bringing this back.
Oh, and don't make me bloody laugh at the "only containing 1 JG" thing. PLEASE.
So, you're wishes to go to the mining fields basically and shoot up the people in there?
Dublin, Omega-11, Tau-23 (forgot this one now has 2 JGs), Nagano, Munich, Koeln, Dresden. Scored it or I forgot a few more?
EDIT: The only system I can think of this actually adds something positive would be Sigma-17. And for that an exception in the form of "except Sigma-17" could be made.