Rules exist for a reason. Yeah is true, becoming a official faction is hard and yeah people here will allways suport official factions over unofficial ones. But thats because the alternative is caos. That is what would happen if everyone that thinks to have a good idea comes and creates a faction and is consider at the same level of other that has been in the server for years doing a lot of role play both in game and forum and surviving many changes of leadership.
A year ago for example some came from another server and created an unofficial colonial faction (golden squadron I think) Before we notice, they wanted to dock in Java wich is currently under constant vigiliancy of the GRN "because they weren't CR| and for that that restriction didn't aply to them". Then they started to make open deals with the enemies of some of our allies in the war against Galia, puting at risk our allience if they were taked seriously. And then they got bored and leave the server. Just like that.
Now, and this is important. Insted of consider if people is killing or not disco we all should be focosing in a solution. In this case demand the creation of the posibility that Official factions lose their status if they are too much inactive. Not only when they declare themselves death. That would help to prevent what some say is going on with the LR (I don't know, I never played with them), not releasing your frustations against the administrators and moderators.