1st of all I apologise I cannot give you any visual correspondence as our networks are a bit glitchy at the moment, but let’s carry on:-
Well as you know, paperwork can be a mess, and to be honest I'm not the best at doing, Ms Carlisle is one of the best I’ve employed, she has a very good knowledge of business going ons, which unfortunately I don’t have, hence the employment of Ms Carlisle.
As you must understand the confusion originally was the zone of influence of Liberty forces, as far as we understood, didn’t reach Kepler hence how that now, after all this time of Poena’s existence that we are being suddenly fined and to pay an “existence” fee
We assumed that you knew about Poena, and that it wasn’t needed, as there had been no communication between us, so as far as I was concerned, wasn’t needed, and then suddenly pay a fine and a further registration fee, which as you must agree was a shocker to have received.
So let clear things up, if Kepler is in your ZOI, then fair enough a registration fee of what was it, $21 million I would agree to, but I must ask you to waive the fine because, as you said your forces are on the borders defending Liberty space, that’s fair enough, but isn’t really a fault on Poena is it as I stated in the above.
Poena is not a smuggler base but a freelancer base that allows various goods and commodities to be traded that benefit everyone including Liberty. Including, sometimes, materials that get brought in from Gallia that Liberty can make use of. I have heard from docking traders that have bought furs from Poena were greatly received by very high up dignitaries on Manhattan. If you wish that to cease, please let me know
I hope this clears everything up and, I await your understanding reply.