I have some news that may be of interest to the Armed Command and the Senat. While on patrol in the Tau-23 system with one of our contractors, I ran into a quartet of Congress vessels returning from Tau-37. Now normally I would expect every reason to put them down given their sniffer affiliations, but these vessels were empty of that vile weed they so frequently attempt to run past us. Curious as to why they would risk being found in our territory with not even the chance for profit, I asked what their purpose was. The response was quite surprising!
[20.03.2015 05:34:18] .:j:.Hephaestus|Bill: An we aim to pick up some of this here Niobium.
[20.03.2015 05:34:32] [UC]-Antoine.La'Biere.: Oui? Pick it up off of whom?
[20.03.2015 05:35:00] .:j:.Hephaestus|Bill: Ain't none of yer business where we git it.
[20.03.2015 05:35:17] .:j:.Juan_Sanchez: We're doing business with IMG
[20.03.2015 05:35:18] [UC]-Antoine.La'Biere.: Well, if you're robbing people like the Marauders do, it is.
[20.03.2015 05:35:38] .:j:.Hephaestus|Bill: We ain't robbin no one.
[20.03.2015 05:35:53] .:j:.Hephaestus|Bill: We pay good credits fer what we haul.
[20.03.2015 05:37:03] [UC]-Antoine.La'Biere.: The IMG are allowing you to access their bases?
[20.03.2015 05:37:09] [UC]-Antoine.La'Biere.: That seems, well, not quite believable.
Given that several months ago I submitted an intel report to the IMG|, who paid me quite well for that, I was understandably incredulous! We made sure to collect an escort fee from the vessels in question and followed them into the Tau-39 system, where lo and behold, they were given clearance to dock at Fort Siloso! I recorded them with holds full of ore too!
I am dismayed that our associates in the Independent Miner's Guild would open their doors to the very same people we have proven time again to them run that vile weed for the enemy they claim to hate so much! It is as if they wish to spit upon our efforts to keep the Outcast menace in check! I am not a Royalist, but we must consider things in terms of Narcisse's comment.
Quote:[20.03.2015 05:47:30] Narcisse.Archimbaute: Sometimes I do wonder how much the crown would pay for this information.
I'm sure we can resolve this without coming to this though, oui?