Hopin' this goes through, unlike the other hails and transmissions I kept bouncin' off Torshavn.
A bunch too many Gaian critters've been hauled off in the direction of Rheinland. There's no large-scale poaching occurring on Gaia herself, especially not since the Invasion; so I'm guessing that Planetform must still have a supply of our friends on Harris in some lame-brained attempt to cross-fertilize them on that rock.
Anyway, did what I could. Had to put a lot of our friends out of their misery in a mercy-killing; kept pleading for a transport from Torshavn but none were availible. Better a quick death than slow starvation or... whatever is goin' on in Rheinland. Attached information should be finished loadin' by now.
Four transports disabled. Four. I may be a pretty damn good hunter, but I'm gonna need some of my mates to help me get Gaia's children back home, or at least to Torshavn where we can facilitate their return. Poor things must be scarred for life. The, uh... The survivors, that is.