"Ah, it's time for me to relax a bit. All this tension and fighting has gotten me totally on edge."
Cas never was one for small talk. He would be often direct. Blunt even, to the point of borderline insulting and demeaning. But when he walked into the Mad Mako, he changed. the sight of the showgirls, the relaxing ambient lighting and the surrounding nature, made him felt, like he was back in his old neighborhood.
He looked around to see if any of his old friends would pop up out of the blue, of course he knew that no one would. They were long gone. Those that didn't die in the constant fighting, went and tried their luck in the core worlds. Away from the constant fighting and living on the edge.
Why he remained, was a mystery to all, not just to himself. But one thing he did know is that he is going to get hammered so much, he is going to forget he's in the Omicrons. The cesspool of Sirius.
A slight smile etched itself on the corners of his mouth as he was walking to the bartender. He yelled at the poor fella
"one of each. And keep them coming good man!"
He looked around and saw a lot of his comrades already passed out drunk. He was already thinking to himself, that he's gotta catch up, or risk being left behind.