I had a small idea that'd be relevant now if you're considering the placement of fields:
I've always thought that O-7 has bland placement, but awesome potential if given a redesign. All three fields in the system should be merged to encourage corps in the system to battle over resources. Admittedly though, I think something like that would work much better with field drain on (controversial, I know).
Also looking forward to Iridium being turned into a proper 'ore' commodity. I'm not sure if you'll be using the old mining doc or not for the mining bonuses, but if I may make a suggestion Corsairs should get a high mining bonus as they've got history with the commodity (before Core took over their mining bases on Nauru, but most likely they'd still know how to handle Iridium). That could work well with the recent direction of giving ores unlawful sell points. Also, what are the final IDs that will mine iridium and what mining bonuses will they have? As I said the old mining doc got a bit outdated.