"That's good to know, Ted. That liner can be of great help. Let's prepare to depart to Freeport 10, then."
From his prefered table at the corner of the bar, Lou saw when the young pilot entered. It was obviously a pilot, judging by his clothes. As the man approached the table, Lou nodded to Ted, pointing with his head in the visitor's direction. The guy stopped in front of them, holding his rep-card so the others could clearly see it, while he introduced himself and asked for a job.
Lou smiled at he guy: "Legit Lenny, ahn? Well, this is a Rogue station, after all. The only 'legit' job here is already Moe's." - he said, signaling with his head in the bar direction, where Moe was watching the scene - "Moe, get us three whiskeys, will'ya? Ou, I'm Lou, by the way, and this here is Ted. And I don't need to see your card, kid. If you were not shot down when approaching the station then you're fine." - Lou pointed to a vacant chair - "Sit down, kid. So, are you looking for a job, or are you a freelancer? What kind of ship do you fly, by the way?" - he asked, while Moe arrived with the three drinks.