i gave myself a few days time to think if i will answer but as you only see your way - ok needles to show you how really and unbelieveable hard it is for kruger:
i'd like to point out exact (this now is a "daumann view"):
"And did you read what i said about the pob and weapon platforms?" yes kruger - you - did build them so deal with it
"You are right more factions do not have access to nice toys" i dont see any restrictions for buying toys as a kruger and what do have toys to do with this thread ?
" but they do not have the same problems as kruger and you forget the powercore nerfs, that make some ships entirely useless"
what problems ? the only sigma systemS (<- plural) you need to pass is sigma13 - and gmg isnt RED to you - you only cant dock - you know that for example samura cant, too ? powercore nerfs ? you mean hesians coming all 6 months ? weve got bundschuh, unioneers, hesians, including dessies and indie pirates in munich - maybe i can ask them to visit O7 !
"You are complaining because and while you have a base in the munich system." NO well i know my english isnt the best but you should be able to see that we are complaining about the moving of a field 58k away from base in this direction that you have to circle the sun, too when going to the field from pob. field was moved now the 3rd time over the last years in munich.
"The aluminium ore is sold for almost 8k already at narita and makes it a short and rather safe route already" and if you ask me personally this is absolutely too close. this distance ruins economy of the server. the only ones having an advantage with this are pirates hanging round in S13. in no other system (except conneticut) you see more often was killed by ... this will increase now. for example junkers, outcasts, corsairs can pirate in 13, in honshu we face hogosha and blood dragons.
"compare it with Cobalt or Silver ore and Kruger reputation with for example GMG and not being able to dock in sigma’s in many spots." told you above - well what need is to dock at GMG bases ? escaping a pirate ? handle him pay him whatever ! well kruger is primary a mining division - but has cooperation partners that do trading primary ! no need to complain about trading routes for kruger
ok comparing: munich has mhhh let me think commodity 1 alu ore, commodity 2 nothing, commodity 3 nothing ---- O7 has 1: Silver ore, 2 Cobalt Ore, 3 copper ore kruger mines all.
"The Munich system is not directly passing a high traffic lane and connecting 2 houses to each other like the omega´s do" sadly true - so you get much more customers. on the other hand youve got 2 exits to relatively safe systems. munich is a dead end: gate to frankfurt 39k away -no escape, hole to frankfurt 16k from field - if you pass youll find yourself next to bruchsal base. bundschuh base Eltmann Moor 18k from field, leipheim - unioneers next to sig 13 hole, lambda is only 1 klick away, too.
"Now with other factions like daumann, samura and many others having at least a rather safe spot to mine and ‘’more’’ spots to mine. (Not so highly traffic and dangerous spots like Kruger have) It is pretty imbalanced on the side of Kruger, add it with a tad more hostiles on the way and in omegas the swarm of activity that made it also many times useless to mine or to fight."
ok lets count how inbalanced this is: O7 seen a) hesians , b) pirates , i never saw there unioneers, and if i remember correct the last corsair threatening a miner is a few years ago ------- Munich: a) hesians, b) pirates, c) bundschuh, d) unioneers, e) VWA (i must say really fair ones) f) corsairs rarely seen outcasts (2 times up to now)
well the traffic you are talking about is 30k south your base (lanes) and in the omegas (plural ?) i think you mean o3 ? well omega 3 is always dangerous - not only for kruger so where is the -Special-Kruger-Disadvantage- ?
site note: again we do not comply about pirates or other factions we did build the base due to rules, rp etc. well you may say its a small one - so what ? what would you do finding your fields 58k away ? rebuilding at a new position unitl lvl5 ?
"You could have wait hours and hope you could mine a cargo full. We all know unlawfulls look at the playerlist and with only that spot to mine. It is not hard to relog and have full profit is it not? The only protection the station gives now is from the capital ships, the small and the most dangerous ships (bombers) are still a big thorn in the eye." as you should know its no security at all for miners outside ! pirates shoot a CD at base shield turns on - your hege gets blown - fact.
additionally to say: changing the supply commodities to e.g. synth paste will give you the next advantage to most other bases. but may be you have forgotten that all bases below lvl 5 have to be supplied with RA, so this is another advantage for reutlingen.
so plz dont tell me about kruger disadvantages here, we arent idiots, we are not dumb, we are not blind we just want to be treated fair and heard