Faction Status Report Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee Bundschuh - VWA
Provide a brief summary of what your faction has done this month Occasional patrols around Rheinland, forays into revised Luneburg/Omicron Rho, occasional skirmishing with Rheinland Lawfuls. Not too much in-game of note, though a fair amount of our work last month was more "internal" and forum-based.
What roleplay has your faction been involved in? A Fair amount of Forum RP involving myself, Char Aznable, TheJarl, Ichiru, and Wulverine. Additionally I keep bothering the faction to pay more attention to this but we may need the economic side from Xoria's end to be completed before the "incentive" really takes off.
Is your faction experiencing problems the community could help with? Chronic inactivity; we tend to come and go in waves. Anyone interested in a decentralized ranking system and "Deep" roleplay in the sense of constantly seeking both our internal and external People's utopia is encouraged to apply.
Are there any outstanding requests linked to your faction? None that I can think of other than long-buried requests for dockability with both ALG and the Liberty Navy.
Is there anything you would like to add? A Bundschuh Shipline to supplant a bit of our "mix and match" from half-a-dozen other lines, but that's my own opinion and I'll discuss it with any interested modellers.