Captain Ezrael Vertiga here. You already know me, I believe. The last time you denied my request for harbourage, without any counteroffer, ignoring my invitation to a diplomatic meeting. I know very well how the situation in Bretonia is, as it's not like I am not able to take a smaller ship. It should be obvious that if I would have been about to start anything, I'dn't have needed a battleship for that.
But I get the point. Trust is something to be earned. You refused my invitation, though, so I would want to make an counteroffer. Baby-steps, so to say. I would like to request permission to enter the Omega-3 system with the Apahanta. It's characteristics are still the same as last time. The ship itself is moored at Livadia in Omicron Kappa and very rarely leaves it, as IRG is working on refitting its systems, while the Confederation of Freeports was kind enough to provide us with supplies and maintenance. You could contact them, if you wish to get a second opinion.
All I want is a chance to gain trust, as I can assure you I am not the bad guy, and I never had the intention to harm Bretonia in any way. In fact, I rely on Bretonia as a protecting force for my homeworld in the Cortez system.