So you say you are not another senseless pvp faction? You are all RP?
Tell me then why your Legionares ignored the fact they were speaking with Nomak?
And now, you are probably thinking, "Bo, ho. What Lerdi does think who is he?" - but hey, you said you are all RP. And in RP, and technicaly Nomak and Samarran Raiders were present both technicaly and inRP before all parties here mentioned (since end of 2011?). Now,
do I need to mention how many times Samarran Raiders did defend Malta? When I say, defend Malta, I mean against whole fleets of Corsairs, Core, Order, IMG, CR in front of your planet (believe me, it was happening like my words say), where your precious cardamine grows and only there, without which, you'd not even exist. Speaking technicaly and inRP.
The history is there, and you are telling us you are RP-ing Outcasts. Then how do you explain yesterday's disrespectful inRP conversation?
It has nothing to do with code of RP or code of character. It means your "Legionares" didn't attend history classes, and they have no clue about their history. Or, they were living like cavemen and didn't go out at all. I mean, speaking of RP. So, how do you plan them to be influential party of Outcasts, if they do not know their own history?
Or, your Legionares do know their history, but they do like being disrespectful to those who saved them many times, and back stab the allies and protectors of their home? I mean, this is fine but somewhat... non logical, considering that if there was group like yours back in the day who would act like this, you'd be gone many times. Or, would suffer from very bad consequences.