-"Agent Mike Edwards, i am here to interrogate the prisoner." The armed guards were standing silently both sides of the door.
-"Who authorizes you?"
- "Assistant Deputy Director Martin Trickle. We have some questions to ask this inmate. Now, open that door."
Inside, there was a woman, sitting in one of the corners of the small and empty cell. There was not even a bed, though, one would have used up most of the space. A hole in the floor was the closest to a WC there. Not the best place to spend your life in.
-"So you are the order agent i fought?", silence beeing the only answer to that question. "You just have to answer yes or no, anyway, well, we all know it was you, after all we brought you here from your pod.". Silence.
"Dont make this worse. We just want your name for now, we wont harm you"
- "You wont harm me? I know what you do here. All of us know how you torture and murder everyone who comes through these cells." I didnt like that, but it was the pure truth, and with the small remains of blood drops in the floor and walls, there was no point in denying it. -"You will not be tortured, if you collaborate". Before she could answer me, i knocked the door. The guards opened it. "She will be brought to the interrogation room."
The three minute walk seemed to last a week. These order pilots were always unpredictable, but there was something in the eyes of this one. When they reached this place, from the first moment, they knew they had no chance. These prisons had only once been succesfully raided, during the nomad wars, and though attempted, that success had never succeeded again. And they know it would most likely not be achieved for a long time, much less to recover a few pilots. The cost in lifes and materials would be brutal. But this pilot had something different. She kept the spark of intelligence in her eyes that made certain people very dangerous. I made a mental note of that detail while we walked into the bright room, sourounded by mirrors.
- "Sit down in that chair." i told her, as i myself was taking seat the the other side of the table. "I know you're not the standard pilot, you are different. And i know you will not answer, and you will not bother to tell me who you really are, but those eyes show me the truth. You cant conceal it."
- "What do you want." - the young woman asked. I handed her a small notebook, and a pen. -"I want you to write here whatever you think could save your life. I offered you the chance to live, i was the pilot who found you. Now, its on your hand to decide for how long it be prolongued. Who knows, if you cooperate, we might trade you for some of our captured pilots. You will be here till you write there anything of value to us."
- "And why wouldnt i just jump over you and stab you with the pen?"- was her harsh reply. "You want to live.".
I stood up and walked towards the door. "If you need anything, tell these guards to look for me. I am Mike Edwards. But remember to have something else for me before. Guards! we are done for now. Keep her here."