No evil character think they are evil.
Sociopaths who do violent acts do them for the fun of it or due to some sort of mental gymnastics that they use to rationalize these choices.
As far as Outcasts go - I always enjoyed my little headcannon that Outcast individuals have started to view the rest of humanity as sub-humans. They are fully aware of their enhancements when it comes to Cardamine and over generation upon generation, they view the rest of sirians as sub-human. To the point of slavery being an integral part of their trade - a chattel and degenerate group of sapiens who are used to work the fields and slowly die due to the razor-like tendencies of the grass they have to work with. Just like chattel in real life - expendable and not worth viewing as equals.
The issue here is that this sort of roleplay trope while interesting enough on its own is bound by the laws of gameplay enviroment. If I realistically wanted to play an outcast and present my character's interactions with other non-outcasts with the dismissive, arrogant and dehumanising attitude as it should be, I would need to actually cheat in the game enviroment to physically project that surperiority that the roleplay implies. In other words, if I cannot put my pvp skills where my mouth is, I have no way to realize this sort of roleplay trope.
That is one of the reasons there is no ''good'' outcast roleplay on the live server. We've had good examples of forum play, but those are stories that do not involve player interaction. As long as PVP is the actual deciding factor - an outcast character ingame is nothing to fear about as long as the worst case consequence of coming across one is a respawn screen.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: