This feedback comes specifically not from an encounter, but the lack of one. I'll explain:
I was with a friend today near the Freeport @ Sigma-15 when, eventually, a BDM tagged ship appeared on the distance. We were RP'ing something really important for both of our characters, so I immediately tossed him a group invite and, expecting to have to talk your guys out of a fight, was readying up my reasons if that was the case. Thankfully, or for purely coincidence, whomever was at the time must have realized we were into something heavy and decided to turn around and leave the blue message behind.
I have no clue of the reasons or who it was (I got really nervous when I saw the tag), but I wanted to drop a thank you for not interrupting what ended up being a very cool RP moment for the both of us.
On the other hand... There are a bunch of iRP reasons for me to get creeped out by you guys.
If you're looking for a RP buddy, I'm open.