(07-03-2018, 10:09 PM)Shelco Wrote: In regards to this transmission.
Your character commands a capital ship that was once infested by Nomads, after you have apparently encountered 8 Nomad cruisers in Alaska, which should technically not be a surprise to a Navy pilot, you get the suspicion that somehow the Liberty Navy is infected. To confirm that concern you contact the Separatists? What? Instead of voicing your concern at the Admiralty, which could actually handle the problem provided there is one, you contact known enemies of Liberty who are convinced the Navy is largely influenced by Nomads to confirm your suspicion? That makes absolutely no sense and is merely a way to lazily defect yet another capital ship to the Separatists. That's like having trouble with a friend of yours so you ask someone who absolutely hates that friend you're in trouble with now if he's an idiot. The act itself is poor already but adding to the fact that you're the leader of a Separatist faction just makes me shake my head about how you are just after ships that you obtain through one transmission because suddenly the Navy is at fault for everything. Earmarked RP at its best.
I'm not even going to point out the inconsistencies of your transmission and how it lacks any logic but please elaborate on the points raised. Thank you.
well I see your points and I can understand that it looks for you like easy defect so we can get our hands on a capital ship but the only thing I want to say is that this isnt even half of my plan there is much more behind it then you know Im really aware how it looks like in its current state.
ps: to defect a Battleship I need to do SRP so it wont be a easy defect anyway.
ps ps: I already heard about the incident today with one of my pilots if you wish to talk about that feel free to send me a PM
Defecting has such a bad rep right now and an earned rep at that, even those that have gone to the effort of doing really well planned RP and meticulous planning are frowned upon. My advice is to avoid defecting capital ships, it doesn't make much sense anyway considering the number of crew required to support one. If your faction is lacking capital assets and you feel it needs one try SRPing an allies capital or a unique model. if you just REALLY REALLY REALLY want to fly that specific battleship then do as an indie of the correct faction.
P.S: I would just like to say that I don't like Shelco.... And although it hasn't happened yet, I honestly believe that in most cases I would change my own opinion just to be able to disagree with him. With that in mind, you should understand how painful it is for me to have to agree with him and know that my feedback is sincere. He is right (in this case.....) and defecting done well is still a cause for salt, defecting done poorly is probably in the top 5 worst things about discovery.
This faction is still relatively new, I'd suggest giving defections a wide birth for awhile or try reaching out to one of the liberty navy OFLs to see if there is a more amicable way of you obtaining one of their caps. Instead of just saying "mine now"
Well what should I say I can already see that defecting isnt really the best thing. Also I dont think that one of the navy OFLs would help me to get my hands on this kind of ship.. and I wont tell my whole plan but the ship wont be defected...