This is just the initial block-in (meaning everything is basically made out of stretched out cubes) with some totally random details thrown on top. It's being posted in its current state just to see how the general shape/proportions of the ships is received, before putting time into actually modeling them properly. So please keep your feedback focused around the general look of the ships, rather than details (which are supposed to be redone soon enough anyways).
As for what the ships are supposed to be:
Borderworlds Mobile Smelter is intended as a mid-range mining ship (~2k cargo), smaller in size than a Hegemon, decent armor, somewhat-sluggish handling and a decent (i.e. TBD) number of defensive turrets. The small gap in front of the lower part of the nose will have 2 turret hardpoints on it, especially intended for mining lasers. Furthermore, the green bits on each side of the ship will get the green mining smoke FX that Hegemon uses.
Borderwolds Escort Frigate is intended as a light frigate (Salvager/Raba-like) with ~1.8k cargo space, 5 gunboat turrets, CD slot, lighter armor but better handling than the other frigate-class transports.
Both ships will use interchangeable cargopods, similar to Civi/BW transports.