I have always felt (imho--of course) that things we create in game should be derivative from what's already there. Meaning, if there aren't sun destroying death rays, don't create an rp that includes them. If there aren't psionic characters or beings from another universe don't invent them from thin air.
You shouldn't invent "new technology" that surpasses in a fantastic way what is present already or new technology that supplants what other players must use.
For example, I make a new scanner chip that makes my ship invisible to yours. Can't do it--I have twisted your play in order to accommodate mine.
We also have to be careful in our inventions not to create something that becomes acceptable that can be easily twisted to unacceptable use by others.
Meaning, if you do "create" something, it must have absolute boundaries and definitions that prevent others from spring boarding and extrapolating off your invention to ridiculous extremes and your invention cannot grant you a practical, in-game superiority to other players--especially in regards to equipment and ship capabilities.
All that said, its a bit disingenuous to criticize players for stretching their imaginations in a science fiction role playing game.
Have you read science fiction? Played an RPG? Stretching the imagination is what they are all about.
What is needed is a structure for creating new rp that defines conditions that must be met for it to be acceptable.
This isn't a definitive attempt at that but to get the ball rolling...maybe we can develop one. Please modify, add input, clarify or correct. I genuinely would like to hear others input here. This is an important consideration for everyone. Instead of the "try anything and see what people say" approach, we might be able to make some ground rules that decrease abuse or ill-conceived ideas--without killing creativity and freedom.
1) Inventions that grant new capabilities must be directly connected to an existing, in-game accepted rp or device.
2) Any new capabilities granted must not compel other players to accept their effects. There must be a built-in "out" that allows other players to not be affected by them if they so chose.
3) Capabilities must be clearly defined as to their effect and limitations and conditions for existence--i.e., how they work, why they work, what they can and can't do, what is required to make them do it and how and where they can be used and made.
4) Capabilities used that require voluntary participatory role play to have an impact must still not negate the above rules. So if you "invent" an effect that requires another player to "play along' there still must be a built in way for other players to not be affected by it if they so chose. This in a way that makes its affect on the other player who did chose to be affected by it still consistent and believable. For clarification, the death ray melts metal on the participating players ship every time but won't work if you don't want it to--not logical so should not be allowed. If a believable device to explain how it can work in one case but not another can be produced then it may be acceptable.
5) An effect that is created in a single, non repeatable way to facilitate a particular, unique role play may be allowed if it is firmly and extremely derived from already existent effects or devices in the game. This sort of effect would have to be a "one-shot wonder" for a back story, character or faction development and still must meet the other criteria with the one exception that it might not be acceptable in more than a single instance. Example: I create a machine that allows me to merge human and nomad dna so I am a true hybrid but the technology is a fluke and does not work again--thus no one creates an entire new species to populate the universe and force everyone to accept them. Even for such role play, it should be directly derivative from already in-game devices.
So chime in with your own contributions and insights!