(05-24-2019, 04:41 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Given how frequently Auxesia makes fun of Tanith and UN|, I'm sceptical that the intent behind this event is fully clean of Aux just wanting to flex on UN| at their expense. Taking a glance at both Discords, it's quite clear that neither UN| or Auxesia are best friends - very far from it.
Considering how frequently you've targeted us and tried motivating reports, I'm surprised you're not sticking to your statement about ignoring us. You can lie to people about your intentions, but your agenda is obvious and frankly I have no time for dealing with you, Lyth. You've contributed nothing meaningful in a very long time and your meming on an OSC shuttle is evident enough that you care very little about this game, the roleplay atmosphere and anything behind it.
I don't even need to begin delving into how often Aux is brought up in other discords and shittalked by you, your friends and whoever else feels like they've got some kind of accurate opinion on us, our motives and what we do. So that's a poor excuse.