An enthusiastic woman had walked in, dressed as an agent of the Order belonging to the primary fleet, giving a quick curious look around the place for which she's recently heard of. The pub looks pretty tidy, also, half full. She's used to entering such pubs that she's never heard for before, seeing there weren't only people belonging to the Order, but also some of their allies. As she was curiously looking around, she spotted a nice seat in one of corners of the room, decorated with many ancient drawings she's a fanatic of, that seemed to be empty. As she was walking towards the seat, she noticed an idle bartender cleaning his working space. He's seen her walking towards him, anticipating an order. She slighly smirked once she had placed her hands on the bartender's table, greeting him. "Hola senor. I would like a cold beer for myself." It was his first time to see her around. He was smiling as he was pouring her the beer. "Good evenin'. I've never seen you here before. You must be new." Eliza kept smiling, being rather amazed by decorations the place has. "Si, si. I admit this place is extremely attractive. I've just recently heard for it from one of my colleagues. Why not give it a try?" He facetiously nodded his head once he had poured the drink for her. "Yeah. Many new people that visit this place, leave it shocked due to its astonishing beauty." He handed her the beer as he was grinning cheerfully. "Here! Enjoy your stay." He added. "Gracias." Eliza had nodded the bartender, and started walking fast towards the seat she's seen, so nobody takes it. She sat down, as she was enjoying the beauty of the futuristic pub, somewhat even making her addictive to it, as she was slowly drinking the beer, anticipating someone to join her.