maybe i went a bit overboard... your arguments are solid. But it still kinda sucks....pirates dont comunicate...they attack swiftly and without question.... i think only border officials of certain factions (such as blood dragons) can demand credits, pirates take only cargo (im only stating that as a solid argument, THAT is very PR like....the fear.... the risk.... the challange!!!)
Traders passing trough chugoku without paying tax to the "officials" there are not traders, but smugglers!!
i myself always pay tax if I'm asked to cause it really pays up... the people taking my money are not interested in RP but they behave acordingly. Just ask yourself: if i go trough the border USA-Mexico and the mexicans ask you to pay tax. Will you argue with them? Try to get a lower price? (you can always try and bribe them but you risk being put into prison) No important conversations...maybe you dont even understand mexican language and just get a translated paper bill.