(03-10-2020, 02:49 AM)Victor Steiner Wrote: Yes and no, it's a location code with no references. So it's trial and error for moving something, really precise movements are difficult to implement.
The command you're looking for is /pos.
I maintain that "technical problems" with requests have overwhelmingly been non-problems for the better part of a decade.
/** Print current position */
bool MiscCmds::UserCmd_Pos(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
if (HkGetPlayerInfo((const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), p, false)!=HKE_OK || p.iShip==0)
PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not in space");
return true;