[RHA] has had their reputation adjusted with respect to Zoners.
What had happened was:
This is not a sanction for a rule violation. But, the faction did en masse break the documented roleplay laws of the Zoners of Freeport whichever-it-is, and not even a little one, but the big and very old NFZ one. The one that meant that some Freeports had fields put around them to tell players they were entering an NFZ. And it just doesn't quite seem right that nothing happens when the Freeport was used as a base, and the laws broken, in pursuit of the destruction of a POB that aligned itself with that station. So with that in mind, the Zoners are mad at you. How long will this be the case? For a while. Is it permanent? Definitely not. Does it have any bearing on or indication of future canon story lines, events or diplomacy? Absolutely not. I'm hoping you'll see this as a logical, roleplay-preserving step, rather than taking offence to it. The alternative is that there are no consequences for it, which seems lacking.
This isn't a sanction relating to a violation of the rules. It is an adjustment that has been made to try to increase congruity in roleplay. Nobody has to feel bad about this happening. Feedback is absolutely welcome, so long as it is civil. Yes, I am demanding civility, because this is a space game and I made a single faction which is quite impotent NPC-wise angry with you. If you PM staff or post in this thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of GM Right #CTE 750AE