(08-01-2021, 10:44 PM)Binski Wrote: Yup but thats why I continue to dream of factions being able to issue a challenge to siege an enemy, or potential enemy faction's NPC stations or planets (in some cases). After that every house would be vulnerable in the same equal way, and unlawful factions could build around getting to work trying to gobble up qualifying stations. Wouldn't that make for intersting ongoing story? If each month there were a couple of such sieges, there would be some real headlines regarding what would be player earned events. Even if the headlines are "Faction X stages more attack on station X" or "Unlawful faction briefly capture starion x before recapture by navy" etc. No house would be special, and it success would hinge around finding and keeping players like it had been for years. There would always be something to work on for both sides, and so always a job to fulfill online to contribute.
I figure house militaries would suddenly need lots of jobs filled to help defend civilization from the baddies, and plenty of unlawful factions to form new ongoing threats to be dealt with.
Then, with houses, if it comes to war they would just need to change their diplomatic stance to another house or faction and suddenly it would open up that house's ability to attack a new enemy location. I still believe it would be the best way to increase activity, and focus it around natural forming hotspots, where new trade would center around. With all that would be needed to get a siege and make it a success, patrolling territory wouldn't be so pointless. It would actually matter who is extracting resources from your turf, since it really could go towards helping change the outcome of a battle.
That doesnt change the fact *some dipshit* ruined years of RP effort, sweat, activity into the area, because he didn't think it was right that the said edited lore didn't seem "real" to him. Or the fact the nobody said anything to said person for editing something that was introduced to us by the creator of the mod, also with work and effort from several people at the time. The damage was done, accepted by the majority who have had a despicable hate towards the new House, and was continued forward until it all ended the same way everything else ends, with the plot armor intact.
Now after all that, considering it wasn't the first time it happened, sure not in the same way but not too far from being similar (i participated in both wars, both had an already forced outcome), do you think people will even bother to try anything at all, if there will be someone lurking and waiting to shit on their dreams by forcing a different outcome?