I would Like to give my Two cents to this Too. However you might Judge the Event and its Impact on the story, one thing is pretty clear to me. This Event Brought Life into a Part of the Game taht was Mostly Ignored since the Enclave was Removed from there. I Have just one litle Thing that i want to talk about, and that is the Fact that Orbital Spa and Cruise wasnt even Involved in the Backstory of the event. We are the Nemesis of the Gaians and our involvment even just in the Backstory would have made the Gaian Side of the Story Way more belivable. Apart from that i have to say that i like the idea of a Biovirus but i have to ask if that is a Easteregg Reference to the movie "The 12 Monkeys"? If you plan to give the Gaians Some Story love then Please Dont forget Orbital in this Process as both factions could benefit from Nice Events.