<Katashi requests permission to interject his comments on the conversation by way of softly clearing his throat as he stands and bows his head slightly to Mr. Trex .>
"Forgive the intrusion, but I would have to agree with Mr. Trex regarding the Taurus as a security ship.
It's armor is significantly less than both the Spatial, and say the Obsidian, being considered the paragon of fighters by many. Which I might also mention <while looking at Mr. Dante briefly> is an OS&C ship. This may indeed make it unsuitable for duty in the wild edges of Sirius. While it has significant armaments and better agility than both of the other ships I mentioned, it's ability to take the punishment that it might have to endure in, say, the Omicrons, would be lacking.
I am Glad however, Mr Trex, that you mentioned the Spatial. It has an gun and armor complement that I would consider quite capable in the areas that you mention as the most perilous.
Not only does it have considerable strong armor, it also has the ability to accept up to a Heavy Armor Upgrade which would triple it's base armor, although it would be rather costly.
However, in combination with it's 2 class 8 guns, 4 class 9 guns, 3 fighter turrets in adition to torpedoes or missiles plus Mines, it would not take long for such a group of escort ships to develop a reputation of ships not to be trifled with. In concert with the Frigates that we already possess and the Tauruses available as fighter/bomber cover if needed, we could travel with confidence most anywhere, in my opinion.
Additionally, the Spatial is capable of mounting a Hyperspace beacon, which would allow us to request assistance from jump-capable ships in a tight spot.
<Katashi again nods politely as he takes his seat.>