I'm curious if anyone here has ever put any thought into how H-fuel and MOX reactors are designed in the freelancer 'universe'. I've been planning on adding some basic repair instructions for these reactors/engines to my Junker Operations manual, along with 3d cutaway models made in 3ds max to visualize the guide... it's all for RP of course, having no real impact on the game, but I think such stuff adds a lot of flavor to the RP here.
So... If anyone has ever written up theories on how freelancer tech works, let me know here so I can incorporate it into the models I end up making. This isnt just restricted to engines/reactors either - thrusters, shields, weapons, mine droppers, CM droppers, nanobots, shield batteries, internal 'life support' environment systems on ships, etc.
Anything of the technical variety, post it here. I'll take ideas from players while making the guides/models for the Junker manual, I have one JU faction member currently working on writing a 'guide' on how to jump-start a MOX reactor during slavage operations, but I want to compare his ideas to those others here have.