This is a letter I wrote to Igiss. only my writeing is here and I only link other post in this forum which is common practice and allowed. I have checked all rules and unless one was made in the last two minutes I am breaking none. I suggest you copy and paste parts of the descussion to a word file in case admin make this disappear too so there will be record and Igiss can get it. Igiss needs to know and we need to know what he thinks about this.
See how others are concerned by thier actions and how they single out some for acceptance and some for denial. They still havent told me why. Many believe the system put in place is only a puppet system and is in fact a joke. The admin do not seem to be following the guide lines you have set and its not just one unrully mad playuer theres more than just me.
I love it here and have many friends here that I see only in Freelancer but this favortism or at the VERY least lack of transpaency is bad for us all. Please advise us. Do something, please the admin have either missed the point of thier job or we have not recieved the true purpose of the special RP thread by the post published.
Chopper's post is most active and civil you can reach us all there, or me via PMs.