I think I gave a pretty good justification for using it......so Ill post that again here! Enjoy it as much as you did the first time!
Here is our newest RP addition to our RP repertoire.
' Wrote:
Director's Briefing
Listen up, men. And women. This concerns the PTS.
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with it, the Agency's Prisoner Transportation Service (PTS) is one of the largest transporters of prisoners in Sirius moving prisoners between judicial districts, correctional institutions and foreign countries, and supporting the judiciary of the major Houses through its scheduling and transportation responsibilities. As well as transferring criminals to hearings, court appearances and detention facilities, the PTS also provides regular international flights for the removal of deportable aliens. Military and civilian law enforcement agencies use the PTS to shuttle their prisoners between different jurisdictions at a fraction of what commercial sources would charge.
Today's PTS fleet has expanded to several Armoured Transports and a custom-built Prison Liner, the ConAir. These ships fly a large series of routes that serve nearly every major system.
The schedule of ConAir is kept secret from the public, and is known only to those directly involved in its operation. Even passengers scheduled to fly are given no advance notice of their flight and are taken by surprise. There are several benefits of keeping the schedule secret including:
- the location of ships is not known to those who may have an interest in sabotaging a flight or harming any of its passengers.
- as inmates are taken by surprise, they cannot plan their own escape or arrange with outsiders to aid their escape from custody.
Passengers aboard a ConAir flight are restrained by handcuffs as well as ankle and waist chains which are double or even triple locked. Those who pose additional danger may be given additional restraints, such as reinforced mittens that completely isolate and almost completely immobilize the hands and face masks to prevent biting and spitting as well as implants designed to deliver a shock which renders a person incapactitated.
Flight and seating arrangements are made carefully with the intent to separate inmates who may be of conflict to one another. Members of rival prison gangs may be transported on different days to help reduce the risk of an in-flight incident.
In future, ConAir routes will be determined over secure channels. Full escort will be assigned - that is to say, two gunships with a full squad of fighter/bomber support. Rendition will not proceed in the event of escort capacity being reduced for any reason.
That is all.
The Director
Thats from our message dump from yesterday. We run through some of the most hazardous systems in Sirius; we do a important job. We need the gunships for strong escort, because experience has shown that pirates favour gunboats in their dealings with us generally when we have to follow one of our routes (confidential...but it rhymes with "Dohmega".
Here's how we feel about OUR gunships. Sssssssssss......precious
' Wrote:
Good morning, Agents.
The Director is away on business at present so I have been asked to provide this morning's special briefing to clarify several issues that have arisen.
We are, whether you realise it or not, a business. A vibrant, successful and expanding one, to be sure, but we are always in competition with others.
How can we best remain competitive? Well, we must do several things.
1. Under no circumstances should agents consume enough whiskey to render an elephant comatose, shoot up the locker-room and attempt to access a gunship in a bid to "kill them cretards".
A few facts and figures: the GBH1 gunship, though an old model, has proven to be a versatile and efficient defense ship for both stations and convoys. It costs somewhere in the region of twenty million credits for the bare shell of the ship; factor another fifteen for armour plating; maybe four for shielding; additional components and turrets can add another ten million to the bill. Making the ship suitable for a human being to live somewhat comfortably in adds another five million.
That comes to....tum te tum...let me see....carry the four..... fifty five million credits.
Fifty five million credits to equip a GBH1 gunship.
Running costs for fuel and power cells for the turrets can run as high as two million a week, more if a missile launcher has been added.
All told, I'm sure you can appreciate that risking one of these ships to deal with a few corsair pick-pockets doesn't make firm economic sense.
Thank you for your time.
Administrative Officer, The Doghouse
We've dealt with capwhoring enemies before who have made all sorts of nasty and personal threats to us and said they would drive us off the server and so on. We dealt with it using teamwork and fighters. We can do it when we wwant to. But Im damned if Im going to see guild ships in the hands of mercs and not in the fleet of the best damned BHG faction there is that has cost me a lot of blood, sweat and ....well.....you know the rest.
edit....Ignore the last part.......my editing skills are off.
Money isn't an issue for us ....I can make 3 mil an hour escorting in my fighter, plus with the nomad specimens we've been gathering and selling to Cryer, why we are farting through silk..