To: GMG Security Division
From: Jin'ko Hayate
Subject: Success against Corsair pirates
Priority: Normal
Message reads:
It's was a good day today. Taro Katsuo and I were doing our routine patrols today. As usual there were some pirates in Sigma 13 making an economical mess of things. What got me was how open they were on comms as they decided who can have safe passage and who can't. I told Taro san that such an affront couldn't continue and he agreed.
We closed in on their approximate position all the while spitting our disdain at the arrogance of these Corsairs. As we closed in we were able to identiify the ships as Lucas Fernandez in a Fighter/Bomber and [D.Brothers] John West who was commanding a Cruiser. I called Lucas as the target as I was sure John West was going check most of his shots to avoid hitting his escort.
Fighting Lucas wasn't to hard, early in to it I noticed that Taro san and I were stripping his shields with impunity and that Lucas used a tactic that heavily favored mines. I sent CD after CD his way and the detonation of his own mines played a major role in breaking his hull.
Now onto John West commanding his Corsair Cruiser. His projectiles seemed fairly slow and not suited for anti-bomber work. Taro and I had little difficulty in flying circles around this slow ship giving it a regular pounding from our Super Nova Cannons. John Wests crew were unskilled and it didn't take too long for us to include that cruiser amongst the other wreckage within the system.