I said above, that I like trading and it is truth.
Sometimes ago I tried to start FL server with another gaming community. I made server, I wrote tons of topics about rules, factions, etc, etc. And, it failed.
The beginning was good, 30 accounts in two days, 15 players each evening during first week, mostly friends. Easy talks in natural language. Nice.
But after two weeks most of people was bored and stop playing. They said this game is boring, because you have to trade, trade, trade, to get anything. They wanted to try bigger ships, they wanted big battles, events, factions, different chars etc... But all this need credits and hard work.
I wanted that server to be similar to official one, so I couldn't give them money just that. They didn't want money this way, because it would not be fair. Maybe if I would setup fun server with millions of start credits, it would be different. So, it failed.
Many hours of hard work to setup everything, and also real money to rent a server, everything was for nothing, because of this game was boring for my friends. Sad.
I didn't understand why they don't like this game.
But after reading what people say here, I start to understand one of the reasons...