I'm going to add my comments since I was in my LSF char that KMiller refers to.
Let me explain the story from my point of view. I'll let the Admins decide what it is best course of action.
I was flying my LSF char trying to stop a smuggler bound to dock in Manhattan.
Everything fine so far.
Then 2 characters tryed to help me. One was a Weapons dealer (can't remember the name), the other one was Noodles.
Noodles indeed tried to help me, but he got in my line of fire between me and the smuggler, and as a result I had to stop shooting.
The dealer did even better, he kicked me out of direction, so I could not shoot the smuggler anymore.
After the smuggler docked, I pointed out to both characters (Noodles and the Weapons dealer) that they actually had not helped at all.
The weapons dealer took the information as it is, kind of complained, but that is all.
Noodles on the contrary started to insult the LSF. I though he was playing RP so as any Officer that feels insulted, after a couple of message warnings, I started to fire to Noodels some warning shots.
I never damaged Noodles, only run his shields to minimum.
Well Noodles took that even worse and started cursing, swearing, etc. Many players tried to call him to reason, but he would not want. At that moment I left the scenario.
I never thought about filing a report.
Ah and another thing. I remember Noodles calling all of us and I quote "st*p*d teenagers" and when someone asked Noodles for his age, Noodles said "25".
That is all I have to say. I do not know what personal messages did Noodles or or the players interchanged. I did not see the F-Bomb in the system, perhaps because I lef the system soon after.
If anyone want to have some screenshots, please tell me and I will provide what I have.