Com ID: Kasugai Hatsumi Location: Gas Miner Ogashawa, Sigma-19 Transmitted to: The Gas Miners Guild
As we were patrolling the gas miners in Sigma-13, Corporal Satoru Kanegi and I witnessed a Corsair piracy attempt on a Daumann transport just in front of Naha. Acting quickly, we moved in to attack the bombers so the Daumann ship could get away.
We succeeded in our rescue, and took out three of the Corsairs fairly easily. The final pilot was skilled; flying a Raven's Talon... in proper hands that ship can be lethal. After more than twenty minutes, I finally landed a Supernova shot on his hull as he came out of a turn just underneath my Kaichou.
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I heard we have some new recruits. We should get them in the skies against the Corsair pirates, if they are to face the Outcasts in Beta.
The Daumann transport paid us a reward for rescuing him. I forwarded the funds to the armoury.