' Wrote:I think that battleship missle and flack turrets need to deal more damage. A missle launched from a battleship should to MORE damage than an energy weapon, not less. They're huge, slow moving projectiles that should completely destroy an enemy fighter in a single blow, not give it a small dent equivilant to being hit a few times with a codie.
For example, a Cerebus turret deals 7120 hull dps for 110000 power. IF fired at max rate, 4020 dps (assuming you fire them at the quickest possible rate) Firing 1 shot from a cerebus moves the bar a little less than firing the missle, but the missle moves VERY slowly, and can barely turn, wheres the cerebus moves quite quickly, and you can fire them twice per second, rather than about once every 1.5 seconds. Even the cerebus, which is fairly slow for a BS turret, is 6.8 times faster than a missle turret.
Even the Bret. tertiary turret deals 3880 hul damage per second... but at a fully recharging rate of power loss. 200 less damage per second, but 8 of them can be fired continously with no adverse affect. Try doing that with 8 missle turrets.
So, an average fighter with mk. VIII armour can probably take 3 or 4 missle hits. From something that supposedly would be about 1/5 the size of the fighter, packed full of explosives. Even a banshee with a Mk. VIII will take at least 2, assuming the shields are already down.
Missles should be the heavy ships only defence against fighters, but as they are they're outdated and useless, good only against NPC's. And slow moving, dumb ones at that.
I think that if the damaged were increased to 10000 per shot, that would balance the massive power drain, and make them power effective. Oh, and increase the refre rate to .75, rather than .67, so you actually can fire them every 1.5 seconds.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.