The routes I mean, are the more lawful routes. I'm not a lawful trader, but still, I DO enjoy pirating those who do. If many of the lawful routes don't generate a lot of income, the pirates don't have much to do except pirate miners, who normally A. Run or, my favorite, B. Suicide. Not very fun in my book. More balance to the more lawful routes to match the smuggling routes would be nice.
a) I believe the problem with pirates "not having enough targets" in house space comes from the diversity and universal availability of the house routes actually. There are so many routes who offer about same money that trader can easily pick to avoid pirates. At the same time the traders are distributed over wide area, so it's hard for pirate to pick a spot where he's likely to catch someone.
Mining places are on the other hand rather concentrated and easy to cover for the pirate.
Smuggling routes have to offer a bit more money because of the added risk, how much that is a question.
Quote:As for the profit over time margin, that's just terrible. As I said, it feels like I'm gathering materials on WoW to make something, but in reality, I'm just making money. It takes me almost thirty minutes to earn 20 mil (I almost said 20 gold, that's pretty sad). It shouldn't be like that. That's before the pirates hit me, that's before paying off the police if they happen to see me cruising through their space, repairs, so on and so forth.
40 million per hour is what I'd extremely good reward. But then again other people have a different opinion.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.