' Wrote:To answer the criticisms made by those who "dont have time to slave away making money", I suggest that your approach to this server is wrong.
You need barely 30 million credits to be a valuable individual on this server. Enough to get a fighter and fly alongside fellow faction members. In addition, you have the option of joining a player clan, and having everything you require given to you. If you prefer to be independent, you'll have to pay the price; and that price is fairly low anyway.
The majority of players who find themselves "slaving away" are saving up to buy battleships, but here's the deal; no-one said you HAD to have one, and the server doesnt NEED you to have one. Why then, should it be made easy?
The other people who "slave away" trade because that's the role they've chosen. They RP traders, and enjoy it, realising that it is a continual journey of enjoyment and NOT a means to an end. If you're part of this group, you might quickly find that the money piles up, and you find you have little to spend it on. At that point, you come to realise that money is merely a bonus, and that the activity itself is the reward. (I speak as a player who has collected over 5 billion credits in his time, and still trades for fun rather than profit).
Traders on Discovery should be the latter; players who have made characters who are traders for fun, not characters of players who want money for cap-ships.
Play games to have fun. If you're not having fun, address the problem.
Okie dokie, let's just take the capships from the mod. All of them. Well, the npcs could still use them, but players would have to settle for fighters, freighters and transports. No more bombers either, since there's no player capships to counter. Two-three fighters can take on a transport, so, there ya go. Everyone with nerves of steel, optimum loadouts and highly-developed twitch reflexes will have boatloads of of unabashed pvp-fun. Until the 50 players remaining find something else to get all worked up about.
*hyberbole mode off*
No offense Carlos, but you don't speak for the whole server. Not everyone is into fighters as much as others. To each his own. Capships, BSes in particular are so weighted down with rules, regs, inherent weaknesses and that bizarre capship stigma, that using one demands a lot from its pilot.
Other community members have made good points about the current game economy. There are other perspectives besides the "saving up for a BS" argument: establishing/maintaining a faction, buying munitions, buying armor, the problem of gametime constraints, etc.
Xoria's economy system is good, at least good enough. The idea of leveling the playing field for different traders is its hallmark. That said, I still think all the "stuff" in this mod could be 30-50% cheaper. Thus everyone can have "fun", without sacrificing an undue amount of RL in the process.