How many threads do you remember that said "You should raise cap ship prices and you should simultaneously nerf the economy." I dont remember any of those.
But seriously, do you guys want feedback from the player base or not? Perhaps it is not always the most well thought out or the most logical, but it does give you information to work with.
The developer player relationship can be compared to that of a patient and a doctor. The patient presents the symptoms and sometimes suggests treatment or sometimes suggests treatment without even presenting symptoms. It is the doctors job to boil it down to the symptoms, and boil that down to the problem causing the symptoms. In this case, that would be it takes too long to make money to buy equipment. To this there are two obvious treatments, lower equipment/ship prices or increase profit. They would both treat the problem effectively, one would just cost far less (in terms of dev time in this case). So go with that one, obviousely.
Now one thing I have never seen is a doctor point his finger at the patient and say "what's your problem, you didnt tell me how to treat you correctly" or "you didnt tell me the right symptoms, how was i supposed to figure it out."
Now I do appreciate all the hard work and time all the devs have put into the mod and although I have not read the entirety of this thread I wouldnt doubt some of the comments here may have been overly harsh. Still, that was probably do more to lack of knowledge/experience/thought than anything else. I dont think that this should be turned into an us vs them (player vs. devs) anymore than it already has.