Getriebe Zu: BdW
Von: W-2
An: Patrouillenbericht #7
Contact #1
Liberty rouge ship in Ontario, unknown class class, evasive action, avoided
Colorado system infiltrated
DSE) Convoy spotted in the Colorado system moving northbound, estimate four merchant ships.
Contact #2
Liberty navy fighter, Executioner class, moved away to a range of 7k and then encountered next contacts.
Contacts #3,4,5, und 6
Three DSE) Mastodon class transports laden with supplies heading for Kepler. One transport lured away from the safty of convoy and stopped. Fourth DSE contact spotted: escort fighter. Proximity to Battleship Rio Grand and Liberty Navy fighter too high to risk an attack the the lone Mastodon.
attack aborted
Evaded contacts
Location: Colorado, 50k up