While I applaud your attempt to paint yourself as the cornered hero in the face of a stone faced system of would be jerks bent over backwards to deprive you of your last ounce of strength, yea, your last shred of humanity.
That one "unit" of cardamine represents, what, a ton? Half a ton?
That bounty hunter pilot represents, what, a life?
Your ideal win win situation you describe has one too many wins in it. No I wont give up my half ton of cardamine officer. No I wont release these men in my hold officer. No I wont allow you to dictate the flow of events based upon the situation as it presents itself officer, I'll tell you what the situation is and I'll tell you how you'll react to it.
Because, officer, that's what compassion is. To be the decent player who isn't a cancer of discovery. You'll follow the dance steps I provide you or I'll simply sit still and wait for you to kill me, because that's what people like you are here to do, right?
In short, no, I don't care for your viewpoint. If you don't want to deal with the repercussions of your choices don't make them.