I woke up today knowing I have to get to Yanagi Depot, in the Sigma 13 system. Having been there so many times, the trip itself was not a problem, but what do you think I found just before landing? An outcast !
Si, amigos, a dirty sniffer trying to feed in our hunting grounds. It seems the cardamine also affects memory, because the fool forgot who we are and thought he can play in our space. Of course, his ship was destroyed and I left his pod drifting towards the gas pockets. There is little chance he will make it out alive, but if he does his story will be a warning for the others of his kind - or whoever else finds him
Tired not because of the fight, but the long trip, I headed for Yanagi when I stumbled upon a miner.
When I asked him to pay me 5.000.000 credits he declined and tried to run, but there was no way I could allow him to get away with a cargo bay full of silver ore.
After a chase that took me on the other side of the system I stopped him. As expected I added something for my efforts to the initial demand and eventually he had no choice but to pay me
After that I was finally able to land and enjoy a bottle of Cadiz's finest rum before getting some well deserved sleep. I can't wait to see more of you here because it seems we need to remind the gringos around here this is our feeding ground.
Para el Imperio, hasta la muerte!
Your brother, Vittorio Fernando de Sanchez Rodriguez