After spending the whole day making combat simulations with Avi, Seiji went back to Barrier Gate to finish the next part of the definitive report.
"Avi, upload to my datapad your last combat simulation reports"
"Uploading data, remember to enable administrator mode"
"I know hwat I have to do, Avi! You really like giving tips, huh?"
"That is integrated on my standard protocols, Seiji Akimoto"
The main hud on the datapad showed the last target of the simulation:
"The integration process on the antimatter cannon was successful. This module is able to engage a fighter on standard conditions. End of report"
"Perfect! I'll tell about it to Yuka-sama"
After contacting Yuka, she went to Seiji's room one hour later.
"Konnichiwa, Yuka-sama... Are you OK? Seems you haven't slept this night... Anyways, look at this..."
Seiji gave the datapad to Yuka.
"At this part, we can start considering about... making Avi autonomous at all, I mean, getting a new ship so Avi can integrate on it and fly on space... It would be awesome, we could use Avi as a recon vessel! What do you think?"