Two days ago while I was piloting my bomber and helped Liberty Navy bomber to destroy confused Liberty Rogue fleet in California. We destroyed one gunboat and cruiser as well as chased away remaining gunboats and cruiser. I am not posting those claims as I was paid at the scene by your officer. After I returned to Riverside Station I was ambushed by Outcast gunboat and fighter. We destroyed the gunboat and pursued the fighter. One of Liberty Navy officers came and finished him.
Also yesterday I took part in battle over Manhattan between Liberty Navy and Hellfire Legion supported by Lane Hackers. Unfortunately I can claim only one kill.
After the recent collapse of mining industry we have noticed great increase in smuggling activities. Also yesterday I caught an Outcast slaver in New York. His ship was destroyed and former slaves safely delivered to Manhattan with the help of a passing trader.
After that I have also caught and destroyed an Outcast fighter in New York Badlands and a Liberty Rogue bomber that was trying to pirate a Bretonian refugees convoy.
Bounty targets: Outcast gunboat [XTF]-Arkantos, Lane Hacker fighter Brutus'Clay, Outcast transport Robin.DeHood, Outcast fighter Zaza.CC.D'light., Liberty Rogue bomber The-TacoDorado Payment owed: 7,844,000 SC Payment receiver:EDGE|Leviathan
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