A quickly collected crew and I had finished the preparations to head to Ames Research Station in order to man the Conference-class gunboat which the Omicroners had granted us to use for our assignment in Liberty.
Once all pre-flight checks had been completed, we immediately headed to New York. As we reached Baltimore Shipyard, the Kuraudo's engines suffered a sudden energy loss due to a plasma-conduit rupturing. Luckily, Baltimore quickly granted us permission to moor and the engineers were so kind as to fix the problem.
Afterwards, we commenced our main assignment: to gather opinions of Libertonians as well as any other travelers on the conflict between the Kusari Government, Samura, and the Gas Miners Guild. Sadly, New York was astonishingly empty, and I did not want to risk a jump to another system until the technicians on Baltimore have checked the new conduit another time.
I hope that tomorrow we may be able to get some work done.